FAQs for Patients

Frequently Ask Questions?

Got questions? We've got answers! Dive into our Frequently Asked Questions section to find solutions to common queries and concerns. From appointment booking procedures to insurance coverage, we've compiled a comprehensive resource to address all your inquiries. Streamline your experience and gain clarity on navigating our platform effortlessly. Your journey to informed healthcare decisions starts here!

“Doctor on Call” is a special facility of FastAD under which members can call certified and experienced doctors from their registered mobile number. and ask them for health advice and medical prescriptions. The best part is that you can call them anytime and from anywhere.
The “S.O.S.” button of FastAD helps you during your health emergency. On clicking the button, a local helpline number will be shown to you, which can be used to call an ambulance. Also, on clicking the button, a message will be sent to the nominee (selected by you) informing them about your medical emergency.
No. You cannot book appointments with FastAD as of now. However, you can get to know the address, contact details, specialities, and customary experience of the hospital.
Our USP features—the S.O.S. button and 24x7 doctor-on-call service—are something you get when you connect with us. However, for our non-paid users, we are providing you with a hospital search bar that you can use to get nearby hospital information.
It is necessary, as it will help us get to know you better and provide our doctors with more personalized prescriptions and medical advice. You just need to answer a few questions related to your health, and you are good to go.
Definitely! You can use the search bar and type the symptoms, disease, or hospital name, then click and get comprehensive information about your local hospital.
It’s simple! Click on the “Doctor on Call” button, and you will be connected to our team of doctors who are available for you around the clock. Tell them your problem, and since you have filled out the form, you will be provided with a personalized prescription made especially for you.
Yes! The advice is being provided by actual doctors who are well qualified and hold the proper degree and experience. They shall prescribe treatments and medicines especially made for you.
This will add to your contributions to humanity! By allowing us to register you as a blood donor, we shall be connecting you to a person who needs your blood in your locality, with our team completely guiding and assisting you throughout the process. It will not only help us but also the person who is in urgent need of your blood.
You heard it correctly! We provide 24x7 doctor consultations. You can call us even at 3 a.m., and our doctors will love to help you.
Just type your disease or symptoms in the search bar and let us find the best for you. We shall be providing you with contact details and the address of the hospital, and you are good to go.
No, it shall be considered only as a single consultation. We are not leaving your back until you are fit.
Your data is completely safe with us on our secret servers. We have asked for your medical record so that we can provide you with properly personalized medical advice and prescriptions.